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 Cold blooded pro glitch

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Cold blooded pro glitch Empty
PostSubject: Cold blooded pro glitch   Cold blooded pro glitch EmptyThu Apr 29, 2010 3:21 pm

This is how to get cold blooded pro or any cold blooded pro challenge extremely fast!

Gun:RPD(or other lmg)
Secondary weapon:AT4-HS/RPG7
Perk 1:sleight of hand (so your rpd reloads faster)
Perk2:Cold blooded (must have)

Ok , either wait for the enemy to get a pavelow or let somebody boost the pavelow from , when the enemy pavelow is in the sky , fire ONE AT4 missile at it , damaging it , but not taking it out of the sky.Then fire your rpd at it until it begins to fall from the sky , when it is falling from the sky fire at it like crazy!!!!There ou have completed cold blooded challenges Smile
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